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Ivy's Search Page 3

  Chapter 4

  “You have got to be kidding me! Tell me that the common last name of Jones is because this story you concocted without my input includes that he’s my brother. Aqua, seriously, how could you do this without consulting me?” Kirsten seethed.

  Aqua let her vent, watching her move toward the corner of her office where Kirsten-now-Ivy turned back to face her, standing firm, looking as though she were determined nothing could make her move. If looks could kill, Aqua wouldn’t be long for the earth. “Under normal circumstances I would say let’s talk about this tomorrow once you’ve had time to process it all—but the reality is we don’t have time for that. So do us both a favor and listen to my reasoning behind this. You know me, Kirsi—Ivy—and I didn’t get to where I was in the Agency without proving that my analysis and planning skills were second to none; whether I had months or minutes to make a plan of action. In this case, you and I both know that you’ve been running for a year now and although we don’t know why or how Sergei seems to find you—he does. We both know that the current strategy has to change because it isn’t working, so please, come back into the living room with me, and let’s get this all out in the open. I know you’re stressed, tired, and not happy with me right now, but I’m right on this one and I think you’ll see that when it’s all laid out.”

  “I can’t go back in there, Aqua. I can’t lay my life out before two men that I don’t even know.”

  Ivy was pacing now, and Aqua knew that was good. At least she wasn’t stuck standing in one spot—it meant that she was at least considering the possibilities. Aqua lowered her voice, drawing Ivy closer. “You may not know them, Ivy, but I do. Blake is the best person I’ve known on this planet, and probably one of the smartest, and he trusts Daxon implicitly. That speaks volumes to me. You also know that I love you like a sister—you are so much more than just my dearest friend in this whole world. I would never do anything that would jeopardize your safety.” Aqua held Ivy’s eyes, moving imperceptivity closer to her position behind the couch. She needed to get her on the same side, and although Kirsten-now-Ivy was a brilliant behavioral analyst for the CIA, and Aqua knew she was aware of what she was doing as she moved toward her—Ivy was letting her—and that was good.

  Ivy released a sigh, turning her back toward Aqua.

  “Ivy, stay with me,” Aqua reached imperceptively for her friend.

  “Ivy? Ivy? How did you come up with Ivy and how can you call me that as though it were my real name?” She turned back, her arms spread wide, hurt, anger and confusion shining in her eyes. “Honestly, Aqua, I don’t understand how you could do this without consulting me—or giving me any choice in the matter.” Her voice raised and hands on her hips.

  It was a challenge. It was warranted, Aqua knew. She moved around the couch and stood in front of her friend, allowing a foot length between them. “How can I do this, Ivy? Because I love you.” It was Aqua’s turn to have tears in her eyes. She took a deep breath. “I’ve been planning this for months, ever since Daxon arrived in Burnt River. Blake knew something was off when you called me six months ago; I became moody and distracted—worrying about you consumed me. I lost weight, and that was the final straw. Blake didn’t relent until I finally told him what was going on with me, and with you.” The anger in Ivy’s eyes stopped her, but only for a second. “Yes, I know you’re angry with me about that, but you know what? We have to involve a few key, trusted people to help us with this. We can’t pull it off on our own—unfortunately the last few months have proven that.”

  Another deep breath from Ivy, but this time, the truth had hit home. Aqua waited five seconds before continuing. “That was when Blake told me about Daxon. I knew they had attended medical school together and shared a residency in emergency medicine, but what I didn’t know was that Daxon had spent the last ten years in an elite SEAL group, as I told you yesterday. Blake couldn’t tell me everything about his history, and I’m pretty sure he knows relatively little about those ten years, but he knew enough to believe with certainty that Daxon is the one person who can help us. We’ve spent the last four months planning, talking, and creating a backstory for—for your marriage to Daxon.”

  “Oh My God, Aqua!” Ivy balled her hands into fists and moved away toward the windows, never directly in front of them, but off toward the side where she had clear view through them, but could not be seen from the outside. She clenched and unclenched her fists, her body itching to run and never stop.

  “I know this is a lot to take in right now—“ Ivy’s derisive look in her direction gave Aqua pause—“but believe me when I tell you it will work. We’ve laid the background, the ground work, and people in town have been anxious to meet you.”

  “Answer this. Why? Why would Daxon do this? He doesn’t even know me. It’s ludicrous, and honestly, I would never agree to do this for anyone. What’s wrong with him?” she demanded.

  Aqua burst into laughter, which was out-of-place, but only Kirsten-Ivy would say something like that and be unaffected by a 6’ ruggedly handsome Navy SEAL that probably 90% of the women in the world would do anything to have a date with. Even Aqua found herself impacted by his intensity; she was only just beginning to get used to Blake’s intensity and uncanny insight—just two of the things that made her husband such an incredible healer and physician. She had to admit—Daxon took intensity to a whole new level. “I’m sorry,” she offered, shaking her head, “Of all things, I didn’t expect that to come out of your mouth. There’s nothing wrong with Daxon that I can tell, Ivy, and I’m pretty sure he’s approaching this like he would any mission. It’s not like it has to be for forever—unless you want it to be.” Aqua offered suggestively.

  Ivy snorted and shook out her hands, rolled her shoulders, and then walked toward Aqua, the smirk on her lips a positive sign. “Please, give me a break. I don’t even know the guy. This is just all so crazy, Aqua, but you’re right. What I’m doing isn’t working and if I have any chance of staying alive we probably do need to have a plan even if that plan is stark raving mad.” The challenge was back in her eyes, but this time Aqua could see acceptance and the wheels were turning.

  “Hmm. I prefer to think it’s rather masterful, but I’ll accept stark raving mad if you will. She grinned. “Do you remember when we visited Deer Isle together, and we came across the deserted house in the woods?” Ivy tilted her head and nodded. “There was ivy growing on one side of the house and it had little white flowers on it. You were amazed at how it could grow and thrive and create beauty in the midst of a broken down and neglected house. That’s where your new name came from. Ivy. When times get tough—and there’s no doubt there will be those times—I want you to remember how strong and resilient you are despite the conditions. How beautiful.”

  Ivy stilled. Her breaths were shallow and quick. She bit the corner of her lower lip and then took a long slow breath, exhaling, her mouth slightly parted and her eyes darting from side-to-side.

  Aqua took two steps and grasped Ivy’s hands in hers. Their eyes locked. “We’ve got this. We do. We’ve never been beaten and we won’t be now—it’s our most important mission to-date and we’re going to win. Do you understand?

  Another deep breath. “I understand.”

  “Do you believe it, Ivy? You’ve got to be all in. There’s no room for doubts or hesitation. Daxon was in before he even met you. He’s a good man—dangerously good.” Aqua released Ivy’s hands and put her hands on her hips. “This is it. It’s time to accept a new path and a new identity—or not. It will never change who you are, and it doesn’t mean defeat, but it can mean a new beginning and a life where you get to make choices because you want to—not because you’re forced to. But you have to want this, too, or it will never work.”

  Silence hung between them for one, two, three seconds, ten. The conflict and doubt on Ivy’s face made Aqua’s heart ache. This was impossibly difficult, but there wasn’t the room or the time to give any space to emotion. This plan would either succ
eed or fail based on everyone’s ability to embrace it as though it had always been true, and play these roles as thought their lives depended on it—because Ivy’s life did. She was tempted to back off and give Ivy space, but she didn’t. She raised her eyebrows, impatient, demanding a decision.

  “So I’m going to be a blonde with long hair, huh?” Ivy raised her chin and tossed her short, dark brown locks, “I’m ready. Let’s do this.”

  Chapter 5

  “Let’s take a break,” Daxon offered, his eyes roaming over the darkening circles under Ivy’s eyes.

  “NO,” Ivy glared at Daxon. “I’m far tougher than you think, and I don’t want to take a break or stop until I’ve got this down and phase one is complete.” The brief Aqua had written outlining their plan was comprehensive and ‘Phase One’ needed to take place in the first twenty-four hours upon Ivy’s arrival in Burnt River.

  “We don’t have to do it all this very second, Ivy. It looks like we could all use a break and we’ll reconvene in an hour. Sound good?” he looked at Aqua and Daxon. Aqua remained neutral and Daxon nodded his consent, standing to walk toward the kitchen. Blake followed.

  “Aqua and I can finish this part, anyway. We’ll see you guys in 60.”

  Blake looked expectantly at Aqua, but she brushed them away with her hand. When Ivy had that look on her face, there was no point in arguing with her, something the guys had to learn at some point. “We’re good, we’ll see you guys in 60, “ dismissing them as she turned all her attention back to her friend.

  Blake and Daxon remained in the doorway uncertain. Both women ignored them, forgotten as they rehearsed Ivy’s new history for the third time, starting at the beginning.

  “Rather pig headed,” Daxon stated once they were out of earshot.

  “It would appear so,” Blake responded, “but I guess I wouldn’t expect anything less based on what I’ve heard from Aqua. Ivy has survived circumstances that few would.”

  “She’s run down, exhausted, and dangerously thin. Those are not solid qualities in a reliable op.”

  “True, yet given the fact that she’s still in there working is a testament to the fact that a strong mind can push through and continue to function even with near-impossible conditions. We both know that.”

  “Maybe we should adjust the plan and give her a week or so to gain some strength and sleep,” Daxon suggested as he grabbed the protein bar offered by Blake and sat down at the island bar. “We have more latitude at the beginning of the plan than we do once it’s in play.”

  Blake tossed a bottle of water to Daxon and grabbed one for himself, closing the refrigerator door, turning toward his friend. “We can discuss it with Aqua. Let’s see how this practice session goes—“ he shook his head as a loud “SHIT!” resounded from the dining room where the girls were practicing—“because I’m not sure there’s any point in contradicting her in her current state.”

  “She’s wasting important energy,” Daxon countered, and Blake could not help but think this was going to be an interesting match up. Daxon was used to being in control, respected—revered even in his unit and even among his superiors. Aqua had disclosed that Ivy, then Kirsten, had been known as a bit of a lone wolf among her peers, and no one tried to convince her to stay at the Agency once she decided she wanted to leave. He chuckled and Daxon’s head shot up.

  “She is, but at this point trying to force her to do something she doesn’t want to isn’t going to help. It will just waste more energy. Aqua is probably our best bet with her at this point.” Blake turned to see Ivy standing in the dining room doorway, her arms folded across her chest.

  Daxon followed Blake’s gaze and he turned the bar stool around. You could cut the silence with a knife.

  Ivy didn’t budge, and neither did the guys.

  Aqua broke the tension, gently moving Ivy aside as she walked past her into the kitchen, deliberating how to handle what seemed like never-ending conflict between the men and Ivy. She rubbed at the tension in her temples and moved behind the island to stand beside Blake. “Can you grab us both a water, Blake?” He moved to the frig, grabbed two waters, tossed one across the island to Ivy, who caught it without a blink, and handed the second to Aqua.

  Aqua picked up two protein bars from the island, offering one to Ivy who shook her head. “Eat it,” Aqua demanded as she tossed it to Ivy anyway, who caught it and held it in her hand. Aqua opened hers and took a bit. “I’m serious, Ivy. Eat it. You’ll be no good to anyone if you don’t eat, and right now I’m not in the mood to put any more energy toward this. So don’t mess with me.”

  Blake barely suppressed a smirk, and Ivy shot him a dirty look before opening the wrapper.

  “Here’s the scoop. Ivy has her history down solid. We are going to take a two-hour break and get some shuteye; it’s zero four hundred now, so we’ll resume back here at zero six hundred hours. My mother will arrive at 8 to color Ivy’s hair and add the extensions.”

  “Your mom?” Ivy asked.

  “Yes, she carries organic hair color and healthy, natural extensions because she says that hair color is toxic and people need a non-toxic alternative,” Aqua smiled. “You’ll have to maintain the color, but with her living close by, that should be fairly easy to do.” Aqua moved toward her friend and gave her a gentle nudge toward the guest room.

  Daxon got up from the bar and followed.

  Ivy slowed down and turned back toward Daxon. “Where do you think you’re going?”

  “With you,” he offered simply.

  “I don’t think so….”

  “Ivy, I only have one guest room,” Aqua inserted, “and you may as well get used to the fact that you secretly married Daxon a few months ago. If you’re going to pull this off, there’s no time like the present to get started. You’re sharing my guest room—with him—“ her head tilted toward Daxon. “What the two of you choose to do with that is up to you. Now go.”

  Ivy’s eyes narrowed as a smile spread across Daxon’s face. She quickly turned on her heels, and Daxon caught up with her just before the door slammed in his face. He turned back and raised an eyebrow at Blake with a grin before walking through the door and closing it softly behind him.

  “He’s going to enjoy this,” Blake stated simply

  “Well, at least one of them will,” Aqua offered with a sheepish grin as a huge yawn escaped her and she squealed as Blake swept her off her feet, striding toward their room with Aqua tight in his arms.

  * * *

  Daxon knocked on the bathroom door a second time. “Ivy, time’s a wasting and I need to get into the bathroom, too.” He glanced at his watch. She had been in there for ten minutes now, without a peep. “I’m coming in whether you’re ready or not,” he declared, using a small, narrow metal pin from his dock kit to pop the door lock and swing it open.

  She stood with her back against the bathroom vanity, facing him with a toothbrush in her mouth, clothing at her feet, now dressed in a black shirt and leggings, her eyes shooting daggers at him.

  Ignoring her, he put his dock kit next to the second sink and proceeded to turn on the shower, stripping off his shirt.

  Impressive, she thought as her heartbeat quickened. His upper body was toned, strong, and he didn’t have an ounce of fat. She watched as his muscles rippled, and had to peel her eyes away as he reached for his pants. She was tempted to watch, thinking he would stop short of stripping naked, but she quickly realized he didn’t seem to care if she watched or not as he stepped out of his pants and reached for his briefs. Blushing, she turned back to the sink, spit the toothpaste out, and quickly picked up her dirty cloths on her way out of the bathroom.

  She was torn. She could always go to the living room and sleep on the couch, but Ivy was probably right—they needed to act the part if anyone was gong to believe they were married and in love. Besides, she was exhausted, so she took the side of the bed with the alarm clock, set it for 1.5 hours from now, and closed her eyes, asleep before her head hit the pillow.
/>   * * *

  Laughter entered her consciousness as she stretched languidly, and then shot upright in bed. Glancing at the clock, she realized it was nearly 7, and she had slept well past the agreed upon time. She raced into the shower, washed her hair, and dressed all within five minutes.

  When she walked into the kitchen seven minutes later, she paused in the doorway and all eyes turned toward her. Her eyes flew to Daxon, she could feel his scrutiny and cursed the way his intensity impacted her. Pretending to ignore him, she walked toward Aqua and gave her a quick hug. “What smells so delicious?”

  “A breakfast of champions, my dear, and your timing is perfect,” Aqua answered, handing a protein smoothie to her friend, and then Blake and Daxon.

  Ivy could steel feel Daxon’s brilliant green eyes on her so she turned her back to the men sitting at the island. “I’m sorry I slept so late. Why didn’t you wake me?”

  “The fact that you need sleep is pretty obvious, that’s why, and we have plenty of time to accomplish what we need to today. Here, take these to the table,” Aqua instructed as she handed plates filled with eggs, bacon and avocado to Ivy. “Blake you’re in charge of the pancakes, and Daxon, can you grab the maple syrup from the frig?”

  ‘Yes, Ma’am,” Daxon responded as he jumped up from the island, blocking Ivy’s exit toward the table as he did. She turned sideways to avoid him, both hands full with plates, his hand grazing her hip as he moved past. She shot him a dirty look, certain he had done that on purpose, ignoring the heat growing where his hand had just been.

  Blake gave him an are you sure that’s wise look as Aqua rolled her eyes, grabbed the napkins, and joined Ivy at the table.

  “Are we expecting an army?” Ivy asked as she looked at the mounting food on the table.

  “Breakfast is my favorite meal, and sets the tone for our day. Everyone has two pancakes, two eggs, two pieces of bacon, an English muffin, and avocado if you wish.”