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Ivy's Search Page 2

  Kirsten had believed for what seemed like forever that she would be running from the men who wanted to silence her—for good; she had wondered if she would ever feel joy or happiness in the midst of overwhelming fear—but today, in this moment, it felt like maybe she stood a chance to beat them.

  Chapter 2

  With a deep breath, Kirsten opened her bedroom door and walked toward the familiar voice of her best friend.

  “Hey, there you are,” Kirsten said as she moved from the bar stool she sat at a moment before, to her friend and embraced her. “You were tired.”

  “Mmm. That might be an understatement.” Turning toward Aqua’s companion at the kitchen island, Kirsten took a step forward.

  “Yes, Kirsten, let me introduce you to my husband, Blake Stone. Blake, this is my dearest friend in all the world, Kirsten Bell.”

  Blake stood, and at 6’5”, he towered above both women. Time suspended as Kirsten drew her frame to her full 5’10” and strode forward, her hand outstretched. “Blake, it’s great to finally meet the man who won Aqua’s heart. That could not have been an easy feat.”

  A smile spread across Blake’s handsome face as he moved to meet Kirsten halfway, his eyes quickly assessing her. Aqua noted a crease in his forehead just before their hands met, and suppressed a grin as she watched Kirsten size him up, undeterred by his superior height and unusual intensity. That was her friend—nothing had ever intimidated her and Aqua wasn’t sure anything ever would. She was curious, would they like one another? And just like that, the dam broke.

  Blake gently pulled Kirsten forward and enveloped her in a warm hug. “It wasn’t easy, but usually the best things in life aren’t. Welcome to Burnt River, Kirsten. We’re glad you’re here.”

  Aqua noted the crease in Blake’s forehead deepened as Kirsten’s slight frame nearly disappeared in his embrace.

  “I just started pulling dinner together, Kirsi,” Aqua easily fell into calling her friend her childhood nickname. “Sit, and let me pour you a glass of wine, or would you like your usual?”

  “My usual? You have the ingredients?”

  “Did you really just ask me that? My best friend announces a visit and you think I wouldn’t have the ingredients for your favorite drink on hand?” Aqua asked with a slight raise in her eyebrow.

  “You’re right. That was a silly question. You seem to have thought of everything.”

  “Here, have some cheese and crackers. You look like you could use some—or maybe a lot of them—and once you’ve had some food I’ll make it.”

  “I’m starving. That sounds great,” Kirsten agreed as she moved toward the island, watching Aqua pull Grey Goose from a cabinet, along with Chambord and pineapple juice from the refrigerator, her mouth beginning to salivate. When was the last time she even dared to drink alcohol? A jab of fear coursed through her. Was she safe? Should she dare to indulge?

  Aqua watched fear course through the eyes of her friend, and she left the items on the bar and took Kirsten’s hands in hers. “It’s okay, Kirsi. We have a lot to cover, but we’ve taken every precaution to make sure that you’ll be safe. Hopefully we’ve thought of everything, but if there’s anything you need that we didn’t cover, please, please just let me know.”

  Aqua had always been a quick study and almost uncannily in touch with other people’s feelings. It shouldn’t surprise her that she sensed her fear. “Yes, Aqua, you have thought of everything, and I appreciate this more than you know. I have to say—I feel—different here, and hopeful. I’m looking forward to hearing more about the ideas you mentioned in our last conversation.”

  “There will be time for that. For now—eat.” Aqua left no room for debate as she placed a tray of cheese, crackers, and scallops wrapped in bacon on the island in front of Kirsten and Blake.

  “So, Kirsten, Aqua tells me that you met at summer camp.”

  A chuckle escaped Kirsten and she placed her left hand in front of her mouth as she responded with a mouth just filled with a scallop. “Well, that’s one way to put it. Aqua was voted captain of her cabin, and I was voted captain of mine. We had a bit of a rocky start, but once we worked our way through a misunderstanding or two, we became fast friends, and figured out that we could have a greater impact as allies than enemies.”

  A snort burst from Aqua as she added more scallops to the plate, encouraging Kirsten to continue to eat, and slapping Blake’s hand away with a warning glance. “It’s crazy to think about our beginnings and where we are now. I told Blake about the turning point in our relationship. I still wonder today what happened to Jade.”

  “The last I heard, she was still in the Army, and continuing to make the life of new cadets completely miserable.”

  “Fitting. Sadly fitting,” Aqua managed.

  “Yes, it’s interesting how a common enemy can bring even the most contentious relationships together,” Blake offered.

  “I was so sad to hear of Mr. Weiker’s passing, Aqua. I wanted to attend his memorial, but I was in Spain at that point, and it wasn’t possible to make it.”

  “His passing was terribly sad, there’s no doubt. I know he made a huge difference in your life, Ivy, even just during the short semester you lived with us during high school.”

  “Honestly, he was pivotal in my decision to pursue behavioral science. He saw things in me that I would likely never have seen in myself. I think of him often, he was an inspiration to me, and I hope that I can have half the impact on the people in my life—that he had on so many of us.”

  The timer interrupted any further comment, and Blake jumped up from the island offering to set the table. Kirsten jumped in to help, and together they set the table in record time.

  Kirsten could feel his eyes on her from time to time. Aqua had told her Blake was a doctor, and introducing a new concept to the people of Burnt River. As a ‘concierge doctor’ he worked largely from a home office and visited patients in their home or work environment rather than a medical office. Clients could submit their bills to insurance, or structure an affordable monthly payment plan with him in order to receive medical care reminiscent of the days when doctors made house calls—because that is exactly what Blake did.

  He had received accolades in medical school and his residencies, and been sought after by some of the most renowned clinics and hospitals in the country, but he had turned them all down to return to his home town, and serve the people he loved.

  At first Kirsten had thought that peculiar, but now that she was in Burnt River—a town surrounded by mountains and spotted with striking lakes—she understood the call to stay in this beautiful place. Blake’s words interrupted her thoughts

  “Aqua tells me that there are some bad and powerful people after you, Kirsten.” She nodded. “I want you to know that you are safe here. Aqua has a state-of-the-art security system, our local sheriff is topnotch, and I have a friend in town who has experience in security. We’ll do everything we can to help you.”

  Kirsten swallowed the protest that threatened to erupt, and turned toward the credenza to give some space to calm her thoughts. “Thank you, Blake. It means more than you know.” She turned back to face him, her eyes connecting with his. “By no means do I intend to put you or Aqua in danger, and if I thought that my being here would jeopardize that, I would leave in an instant.”

  He nodded his acknowledgement.

  “With that said, I am quite capable of protecting myself, and have learned over time that the fewer people involved, the more successful the mission.”

  His eyes narrowed.

  “I’m not saying this to offend you in any way.”

  “I’m not offended.”

  Kirsten let the energy between them settle. She liked Blake, and although he was a bit intense, and she wasn’t used to the level of attention and insight he seemed to focus on her, she realized they were the very character traits she would hope a man who married her best friend would have. Aqua deserved the best, and she deserved someone who wanted to—and wh
o would—protect her. The irony caused Kirsten to smile, she didn’t think she needed protecting, and Aqua, who was one of the most intelligent and capable operatives she had worked with at the Agency didn’t need protecting either, yet here she was, grateful that Aqua had someone in her life who would protect her. She had no idea what to do with that.

  Aqua walked in to the dining room; the tension was palpable. “So… the appetizers are getting cold. Are you two done setting the table?” She didn’t wait for an answer as she moved back toward the kitchen.

  Kirsten felt Blake’s eyes follow her as she moved to follow.

  “Mmm. That looks yummy,” Kirsten offered as she sat in front of the martini glass filled to the brim with a French Martini. Taking a quick sip, her eyes rolled back in her head, “Oh my God, Aqua, this is divine.”

  “When was the last time you had one?” Aqua laughed, raising her eyebrows at her friend.

  “No, I’m serious. It’s one of the best I’ve had, and depriving myself of alcohol over the last several months has not impacted my taste buds or my memory.”

  Raising her glass, Aqua looked at Kirsten, “On that note, here’s to best friends, new friends,” she said as she looked at Blake, “and new beginnings.”

  Kirsten and Blake joined her glass and echoed “Cheers!” as they all clinked glasses, the knowing glance that passed between Aqua and Blake did not go unnoticed.

  Aqua laughed as Kirsten took another sip from her glass. “Here’s some water to offset the alcohol, my friend,” she offered as she handed her tall glass.

  “Mm. Not a bad idea. I didn’t take the time to stop for food and the Grey Goose is catching up with fast.”

  “Eat the last scallop, and I’ll put the finishing touches on dinner. Blake, can you start the grill and grab the steaks from the frig on your way out?”

  “Yes, Ma’am. I’m on it.”

  A look of passion passed between them as Blake moved toward the back deck. Kirsten smiled and then sobered, picking her drink up and chasing it back. She would never have that—that look, that obvious, not-even-possible-to-hide-love that her best friend had with the man she loved.

  Chapter 3

  “That was incredible,” Kirsten moaned as she leaned back on the couch. “My stomach is going to explode.”

  “That’s because it’s so tiny it can’t handle a normal-sized meal,” Aqua scolded.

  “Don’t start. It’s not like I’ve done this on purpose—you know the pace I’ve had to keep over the last year. At times it has nearly been impossible to stay ahead of them, and I can’t figure out why.” Worry creased Kirsten’s forehead and she rubbed her temples.

  Aqua left her chair and moved next to Kirsten. “Kirsi—we—Blake and I have been talking.”


  No, wait,” Aqua interrupted, “before you protest. I have several things to tell you and I want you to promise me that you will listen—just listen to what I have to say without interrupting me. Can you do that?”

  “Ugh. Why do I not like the way this is sounding?”

  “Because you’re stubborn and independent, and bull headed—just a few of the reasons why I love you so.” Aqua broke the tension with a smile.

  “I love you, too, Aqua, but…”

  “Nope. No buts. Just listen. I’m serious.”

  “Okay, okay, I’m listening.”

  “I saw that internal eye roll, you know.” Finally, she got a smile from her friend. “Okay, as I was saying, Blake and I have been talking and he consulted with a good friend of his that is—“

  “You WHAT? Aqua, seriously, you know better than to talk with anyone about this, and not just for my safety, but for yours!”

  “This is going to be a long night if you interrupt me constantly, Kirsi. Give me some credit—I know how serious this is and I would never jeopardize your safety or mine. Blake is a doctor and he understands the need for confidentiality. Neither of us are stupid. The person Blake left to meet with tonight is a good friend of his, they went to medical school together, and residency, then his friend went into the Navy—he was part of an elite Navy SEAL team, and when I say elite, I mean very few on this planet knew about his unit.”

  “Okay…” Aqua’s look stopped her protest.

  “Daxon Jones—Blake’s friend—is out of the service now and he’s in Burnt River for awhile until he figures out his next steps. Blake would love it if he could join his practice, but so far Daxon is reluctant. It’s not easy to settle down after the life he’s led for the past ten years.”

  “I can relate.”

  Sympathy shone from Aqua’s eyes. “I know you can. So my point is, he’s here, and he’s one of the best at intelligence in addition to being a doctor.”

  “I’m not following.”

  “I have something to show you.” Aqua walked over to the tall living room bookcase next to an antique writing desk. Kirsten watched as her friend began to pull the bookcase toward the far wall, and slowly it moved, revealing a wall safe the size of a small painting. Aqua entered a code, the safe beeped, and the door popped open. Kirsten glimpsed what looked like several handguns and some documents. She watched Aqua remove a brown leather purse, close the safe, and return to the couch. Without a word, she sat down beside Kirsten and turned to face her. Uncertainty flickered across her face, and then resolve before she opened the purse and pulled out a passport. She opened it and turned it toward Kirsten.

  Recognition dawned on Kirsten’s face, and she reached hesitantly for the passport. The name on the passport read Ivy A. Jones. Kirsten closed the passport slowly. She opened her mouth, but then closed it.

  Next Aqua handed her a license with the same name and photo, and behind that was a brief.

  Kirsten’s hand reached unconsciously for her hair. She twisted the short, brown locks between her fingers, biting her bottom lip, sliding her hair behind her ear.

  Silence stretched between them and when she looked into Aqua’s eyes, there were tears in them.

  Aqua broke the silence. “I know you didn’t want this, but you have to realize that changing your identity is part of what has to happen now to keep you safe. We think we’ve devised a plan that will keep you out of witness protection—because we both know that the program is far too easy to breech for someone as smart as your predator.”

  A tear rolled silently down Kirsten’s cheek and she quickly brushed it away.

  “This is not defeat, Kirsi.” Kirsten raised a single eyebrow and her eyes met Aqua’s. Water was brimming at the edge, ready to spill. “It’s not. Recognizing when something isn’t working and adapting accordingly is how you will win.”

  Kirsten closed both eyes, water slipping out from the corners; she took a deep breath and decisively brushed the tears aside. “You’re right, you know. It’s probably my inability to see this very fact that has kept me on the run. But there are so many details to work out, Aqua, and how will I…”

  “There are, and we will,” she emphasized. “When have we ever been defeated, Kirsten, when we worked together? We defeated drug lords in Mexico, seemingly untouchable Wall Street moguls, and the reason you are here today is because we have Sergei Timhailov on the run. Oh, it may seem that he is after you, and he is, but beneath it all what he is really doing is running scared because of what you can do to him.”

  “We have to re-frame it. We have to turn the tide, don’t we?”

  “Yes, Kirsi, we do, but first, you have some homework to do and when tomorrow comes, you will be Ivy Jones, and Kirsten Bell will be no longer.”

  “But how will we pull that off?” Kirsten whispered, her normally confident voice hesitant, her eyes filled with questions.

  Aqua took her hands in hers and waited until she had Kirsten’s full attention. They key in the lock of the front door took them by surprise and both women stood in one swift move.

  Blake’s laugh filled the space, and seconds later he swung the door wide, his 6’5” frame filling the doorway. Followed by an equally impres
sive man, as fair as Blake was dark, a closely shaven beard adorned his face and he was about 5” shorter—complete opposites.

  Aqua squeezed Kirsten’s arm and slowly released a breath through pursed lips before moving toward Blake.

  “Hey guys.”

  “Hey babe—is everything okay?” Blake looked from Aqua to Kirsten and then back. His companion stood quietly in the background.

  Aqua shook out her hands as though brushing off the surge of fear she’d felt seconds before. “Yep, we’re okay,” she managed. “Daxon, come on in and meet—Ivy.” A look passed between Blake and Kirsten.

  Without hesitation, Daxon locked eyes with Kirsten and crossed the kitchen.

  Only a few inches talker, he still looked like a giant next to her petite frame, and if Aqua didn’t know better she thought her friend took a slight step back. “Hi Ivy, I’m Daxon, Daxon Jones.”

  Kirsten’s eyes widened, and she took his hand in hers with eyebrows raised. “It’s nice to meet you, Daxon... I’d like to say that Aqua has told me so much about you,” she said with a pointed look in Aqua’s direction, “but in truth, we hadn’t quite gotten to that part.”

  Daxon held her hand a moment longer, his eyes memorizing her face. “We’ll have plenty of time for that,” he promised.